Book Studies
The Complete Guide to Blended Learning by Catlin Tucker
Spark by Morgan, Lynch, and Lynch
Power Up Blended Learning by Catlin Tucker
Balance with Blended Learning by Catlin Tucker
Virtual book study using Schoology - Use this link to find the folder that can be copied directly into your PL course on Schoology.
Blended Learning in Action by Tucker, Wycoff and Green
Evolving Education by Katie Martin
Learner Centered Innovation by Katie Martin
Personal and Authentic by Tom Murray
 Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow's Schools, Today by Sheninger and Murray
The Shift to Student-Led by Katie Novak and Catlin Tucker
Schoology Course Resources - These resources can be copied directly into your PL course on Schoology and can be used in virtual or face to face book studies.
UDL and Blended Learning by Katie Novak and Catlin Tucker